Core vs the world


Just want to let all of you know that it's free hunting on the tribe Core now
Core has decided to turn against us and we hope that you will join the xxx side of the war so we can strike Core back for terrorising the world some time.
They've threaten small tribes to join them in the war against NoVi and many others. And earlier today, they've decided to turn against us to.

So it's time for the people to choose side

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Just want to let all of you know that it's free hunting on the tribe Core now
Core has decided to turn against us and we hope that you will join the xxx side of the war so we can strike Core back for terrorising the world some time.
They've threaten small tribes to join them in the war against NoVi and many others. And earlier today, they've decided to turn against us to.

So it's time for the people to choose side





Just want to let all of you know that it's free hunting on the tribe Core now
Core has decided to turn against us and we hope that you will join the xxx side of the war so we can strike Core back for terrorising the world some time.
They've threaten small tribes to join them in the war against NoVi and many others. And earlier today, they've decided to turn against us to.

So it's time for the people to choose side


You, sir, are dumber than I thought.

First of all, free hunting? Please...

Second, we haven't threatened smaller tribes to join us against NoVi. Why would we? Then we'd have to share all those tasty villages...

Third, ever heard of a pre-emptive strike? No? Google it.

For the rest of you spineless cowards out there - grow a pair.


Nytt medlem
Couldn't have said it better myself :p

But if we threaten smaller tribes to help us out, why are we the ones getting so many villages with hi OD rankings?


Just want to let all of you know that it's free hunting on the tribe Core now
Core has decided to turn against us and we hope that you will join the xxx side of the war so we can strike Core back for terrorising the world some time.
They've threaten small tribes to join them in the war against NoVi and many others. And earlier today, they've decided to turn against us to.

So it's time for the people to choose side


leave the propaganda up to the guys in =D=. Your propaganda just looks like you are crying about getting attacked.


Side 1: xxx SNB =D= Fenix

Side 2: Core

Timeframe: Siste 48 timer

Totalt erobret av motsatt side:

Side 1: 3
Side 2: 7
Forskjell: 4


Poeng beregnet av den totale erobringen av motsatt side:

Side 1: 25,385
Side 2: 56,824
Forskjell: 31,439

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First of all, we didn't bring war to you guyz.
You brought war upon yourself.
xxx betrayd us, snb was losing from xxx so they joined them against us(and mad eachother nap/ally), =D= joined them after this "massive force" against core was recruited and decided to not only attack us but also merge our enemy novi.

So we declared war ? no no... You guyz made us declare war, and war it shall be.:cool:
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i think core should be call DBD (any .net world 4 player will get this ^^)


First of all, we didn't bring war to you guyz.
You brought war upon yourself.
xxx betrayd us, snb was losing from xxx so they joined them against us(and mad eachother nap/ally), =D= joined them after this "massive force" against core was recruited and decided to not only attack us but also merge our enemy novi.

So we declared war ? no no... You guyz made us declare war, and war it shall be.:cool:

Funny you say we did betray you guys.. who started the attacks hmm.. ye brann2006 did. you think we sould play nice and let you attack us and we just standby ?


So you shouldn't have left core, brann did talk about nap or ally in the beginning.
Dunno if you guyz refused or if brann just stopped diplomacy with xxx.

But since you guyz were nobling in his territory, he has the right to defend himself.. and noble the village's you take between his.
I heard you guyz were nobling abbandons around him, and that he was taking them back.
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So you shouldn't have left core, brann did talk about nap or ally in the beginning.
Dunno if you guyz refused or if brann just stopped diplomacy with xxx.

But since you guyz were nobling in his territory, he has the right to defend himself.. and noble the village's you take between his.
I heard you guyz were nobling abbandons around him, and that he was taking them back.

HAHAHA you are so full of b***t.
We did have a ally whit core. then it was changed to iap.
abanoded villages was taken in our core. and brann is 50h away ;)
Brann got alot of info from us and every step was informed..
we did even help you whit alot of stuff, so this is what you get.

But you guys are very funny.


Doesn't matter to me who started it, now i finally am allowed to attack those =D= players again.

It was just a matter of time.