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So you say you study to be a lawyer, could you add me on skype, I'm in desperate need of a lawyer after this weekend...


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On polish forum there is a warn for every post like that. It's nice to see normal moderator reaction
I think I have to learn Norwegian and stay here longer
Well, this isnt really something to be "proud" of. It used to be a warn/temporary ban for this before, but it seems that after Inno stopped paying moderators and Dakapo stepped down as CM forums werent really watched over anymore. Might have happened earlier :D

Well, drag every polish person with you to TW and we might get some players here :)


Litt aktiv?
It is high time to leave V27:) It was really great adventure, but over recent days I have seen that I shouldn't play here.
Primitive message from Cllect member where he called me without any reason a camwho*e(?), or this moment when another Cllect member promised me that he will not attack me and then he attacked at night with no words of explanation, caused that I even don't want to fight against people like that. Yap it's only a game, but when I cant trust anybody and strangers offends me it doesn't makes me happy what I think game should mainly do.
I was waiting only for more attacks,to show them that Im better than they without cheating,lying and being rude.:) I proved that Im better player so now can leave.
On the other hand its really hard to play without tribe-no help, no alliances, I even didn't have anybody to ask about taking KV and in the day like today when Im under attack and like today I had to go with my dog to the vet, so few hours account was without any protection.

To sum up 3 guys (later even 4,lol) against one small girl without tribe. SUCH A BRAVE GUYS, AREN'T THEY? :oops:
nevermind, this world was defintely not for me

Im sorry If I dissapointed somebody, but I cant spend whole days in front of the computer because I have to snipe/

I keep my fingers crossed for HBT:)
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