Til støtte for Lemmy


(wasntme) Gøy at Lemmy nettopp stakk til OIM; og dere påstår han er innaktiv, dere sier: Jeg adler lemmy og at jeg bare har adlet innaktive spillere, ta en liten titt på ODA veksten min og adlingene av lemmy så ser dere antagelig at han ikke er innaktiv og at det var litt fighting over de byene.

Velg, enten så adler jeg bare innaktive spillere eller så er lemmy aktiv (giggle)

1. Dere er slem mot Lemmy
2. Lemmy svarer ikke dere
3. Dere lager ODA, og lar Lemmy bli i Power
4. Dere bruker nukes på en dere selv gjorde til fiende
5. Dere mister medlemmer pga det
6. Dere skryter av ODAen dere fikk av å ta Lemmy



1. Dere er slem mot Lemmy
2. Lemmy svarer ikke dere
3. Dere lager ODA, og lar Lemmy bli i Power
4. Dere bruker nukes på en dere selv gjorde til fiende
5. Dere mister medlemmer pga det
6. Dere skryter av ODAen dere fikk av å ta Lemmy


Du har virkelig ikke peiling på hva du prater om....


Velkjent medlem
It is said that ODA is old Power who changed leadership, so yea you stabbed your own player.

No Lex isent the only one nobelign inaktives players but he dont share towns whit others when he nobeling.
A good leader will break inn and divide the town between all the players close to that inactive player.

A good leader will also try to solve conflicts, not just get rid of the problem by ignoring it, and get rid of the player.

You say the other nobeling just barbs got more experince, well out of what I can se you havent even checked that out.


I check up facts and I have been informed by Lemmy him self after you attacked him:

A good leader always take responsibility. Nice to see you say:

But still you take no responsibility, insted you try to justify what happened.

Hvorfor svarer du på engelsk?? Vi er på norsk server nå, og der er det norsk som skal brukes. At Scott er engelsk, og skriver på engelsk, det betyr ikke at du skal svare på engelsk. Vi skal ikke gjøre om til et engelsk forum, skal vi vel?
Hvis han ikke hadde forstått det du skrev, ville du vel heller ikke fått svar?


Hvorfor svarer du på engelsk?? Vi er på norsk server nå, og der er det norsk som skal brukes. At Scott er engelsk, og skriver på engelsk, det betyr ikke at du skal svare på engelsk. Vi skal ikke gjøre om til et engelsk forum, skal vi vel?
Hvis han ikke hadde forstått det du skrev, ville du vel heller ikke fått svar?

Rent høflig å svare på det språket mottaker forstår best.

dj broiler

Litt aktiv?
White people(giggle)



Library of DOOM (mehe)

Since it has been a while since I last replied here, I'll comment everyone in one post ^^ I'm sure you can find something to give you a great laugh here, in my great library of DOOM!

I was reading your arguments. and sorry dude, but 3/6 are good arguments. But the leader wanted him out, so he didnt even considering talk to Lemmy about it.

- I had previous complains from other players that Lemmy didn't help anyone out.
Because he didn't get the help when he asked for it, why should he give back to someone who didnt want to help him?

Already explained, if you would show some intelligence and scroll up?

- He wasn't giving anything, both offensive and defensive.
Well i bet you guys did your best to include him..
He didn't get help from the tribe (so he decided to not help back) and when he doesn't help the tribe everyone is angry on him? Doesn't make sense :)

We ran operations for the whole tribe; he was never interested in helping. This I know, since I was war general in Power.

- He nobled almost barbarian villages only (there are others that do that as well, but those manage to maintain the other points made over).

well if he is using it against his enemies, isn't that good?

Yes, IF he's using them against his enemies. But he wasn't. So it is rather bad then, since he wasn't using them against his enemies?

- He wasn't replying to any other sort of mails, but he read them.

Well again, i think he didn't reply the messages, because it was asking for help mails.. And i wouldn't help anyone if i had the treatment that he got in the tribe.

How can you know anything about the mails being "asking for help mails" or not?!

Let me give you the actual facts on when what happened.

1. Lemmy was being inactive on forums, not responding to mails, not helping anyone; not doing anything productive for others than himself.

2. Lemmy got an incoming noble train. He jumped onto the forums, but didn't get any help (because everyone was aware of how much he really did for the tribe).

3. Lemmy was asked to help Lexington defend himself. He responded no this time (as always), but this time, he had something to blame on. He knew that blaming Lexington for not helping him earlier, would justify the fact that he wouldn't give anything to Lexington this time.

Summed up:

Lemmy doesn't help --> Lexington won't help Lemmy --> Lemmy won't help Lexington --> Lemmy doesn't get into ODA

Though, if Lemmy would help in the first place, thing would look a lot more different:

Lemmy helps --> Lexington helps Lemmy --> Lemmy helps Lexington --> Lemmy gets into ODA

Zippymaster's attempt, doomed to fail no. 1
Uhm, to show a link to support your argue about that Lexington is NOT only nobling inactive players are great and do the arguement much better, but when the link show the opposite, a noobling of only inactive players it kinda kill your own arguement....

So you're saying Lemmy is inactive? :O

Zippymaster's attempt, doomed to fail no. 2

Lilleulven, Herr granpa, frimag, Ragnar Lodbroch, R3L4X, this is all players that show that this argument that u could choice all of Power is wrong, but hey, what a good argue still!

Do you have any evidence of this being the case? Because I've chatted with many of these, and the Lemmy-situation isn't the reason in all cases? Dude, when you claim to know something like this, at least back it up with hard evidence...

Banja81's attempt of comeback
Doesent this just confirm my point?

What point? That I "kick" players without a reason? I gave him a reason, and I gave him an offer. As I said, I would have done the same to Lemmy if he would have contacted me and showed some motivation/engagament!

Do you realy justify these actions by attacking other tribesmates?

Provide me with a screenshot where I (Terminator) attack either Lemmy or Cannavaro. I bet you can't ^^

These are rhetorical questions, and you need not be answered.

I felt like it :D

Just pointing out my point, where the point is that their leaders in ODA is so concerned with theyr own growt, that they nobles their own active members.

I was the one and only leader in ODA until some days ago. And I haven't attacked Lemmy a single time! Not even a fake! Why do you keep saying that I'm only concerned about my own growth then, when I haven't won anything by letting Lemmy go myself!?


Thats the only comments I am goint to do on the "Not the same tribe statement"

1. Dere er slem mot Lemmy
2. Lemmy svarer ikke dere
3. Dere lager ODA, og lar Lemmy bli i Power
4. Dere bruker nukes på en dere selv gjorde til fiende
5. Dere mister medlemmer pga det
6. Dere skryter av ODAen dere fikk av å ta Lemmy


1. Aha, so you're finally moving over to the moral-argument. This is often done when the other side realizes that they are fighting a loosing battle.

Yes, we are mean to Lemmy. Poor Lemmy. Think about all the troops he has lost! Think about all the tea parties Lemmy has missed out on, just because of us! I really feel ashamed. Why don't we just merge together, get a big ally with the rest of the tribes, and stop the fighting? Because the fighting isn't a part of this game at all! The fighting is just so, you know, mean!

2. Lemmy is being useless*

3. Yes

4. Yes, but I think you might have forgotten an important factor!

When Lemmy held those villages, they produced troops, but the troops weren't used (Lemmy's ODA is at 135k as we speak) against anything other than some small players around. The troops Lemmy produced never did anything particularly good in order to help Power on their way. So you can think of it sort of like an internal. You noble otherwise useless villages, and make better use of them yourself! And I bet Lexington will end up using Lemmy's villages better than he was ever able to.

5. Some, yes. But this I find rather as a reason to hide behind, than a true reason. The players we lost knew they would get looked down at by leaving without any other reason than "I want to join the biggest tribe, because then I'm most likely to win!", so they told us the reason was Lemmy's bad treatment. I don't think showing them this thread will make them change their minds. Why? Because Lemmy wasn't their main reason they left ODA.

6. Well, ODA is always great, right?


Populær på forumet
Får ta det på norsk pga captain.

Men nei han eide oss ikke, han motsa 4 personer uten å ha et poeng
faktiks var argumentene hans så dårlige at de ikke er verd å svare på da vi allerede har hørt dem før
og er fremdeles ikke veldig overbevist om annet enn hva jeg startet hele greia med. Svikt fra ledelsen side.

Eneste forskjellen som jeg ser er at det er flere som er sviktet på samme måte som lemmy,
og at det ikke bare var lex sin skyld men terminator som sto i spissen for dette.

Hvordan du kan mene dette er burn mot oss andre er nesten helt ubegripelig?
Leser du eller er det bare siden han hadde det siste ordet i saken før du kom med din burn kommentar?


kONKLUSJON: Lemmy klikket på Lex pga tropper til besvær, Lex lagger ny stamme, og alle som stakk til Nice bruker behandlingen av Lemmy som ett skalkeskjul? Great.

Jato Link

As I'm terribly bored right now I'll give you my two pennies worth on this (even though I haven't had anything to do with this world in quite some time).

Right. I'm gonna go with 'who gives a shit' on this one. Like, for real. This is Tribal Wars. It's a dog eat dog world. This game is basically built on the concept of ruining other peoples fun. As long as ODA as a tribe feel like the end justifies the means, then leaving out Lemmy from the new tribe will go down as a good move in retrospect. If they as a tribe want to get rid of him they've got every right to do so, regardless of the reasoning behind it. So let them do their thing, Nice, and you do yours. At the end of the day only one tribe will remain, and it's likely to be the one nobling enemy villages.

Which brings me onto my next point; should you really complain? Surely, this is a win/win for Nice, isn't it? ODA loses a member, and they spend valuable troops, resources and noblemen conquering villages which would've been their own either way. They're basically winning your war for you. And so I can't quite get what the fuzz is all about.
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Which brings me onto my next point; should you really complain? Surely, this is a win/win for Nice, isn't it? ODA loses a member, and they spend valuable troops, resources and noblemen conquering villages which would've been their own either way. They're basically winning your war for you. And so I can't quite get what the fuzz is all about.

You would think ;)


Intervjuer V14

Går du tom for argumenter? derfor du gjentar det samme om og om igjen? Virker som om du jobber hardt for å tenke ut den neste hvite løgnen for å dekke over det som egentlig skjedde.

Som sagt tidligere få inn magic dude eller Ram77 som Hertug, gjør nok jobben 100 ganger bedre ;)

Hva hvis vi ville ha en god kamp, er jo ikke artig når halve ODA går over til Nice pga ledelsen.


Er da bare å unngå å ta inn de som prøver å komme seg fra ODA til Nice?


Intervjuer V14
Er da bare å unngå å ta inn de som prøver å komme seg fra ODA til Nice?

Det er ikke min jobb å bestemme det. men hvorfor skal vi unngå det? Jo, det blir jo mindre kamp. Men i og med at så mange søker seg over så viser det at ledelsen til ODA burde byttes ut, når man får så mange til å bytte side, så er noe helt klar galt.


Populær på forumet
As I'm terribly bored right now I'll give you my two pennies worth on this (even though I haven't had anything to do with this world in quite some time).

Right. I'm gonna go with 'who gives a shit' on this one. Like, for real. This is Tribal Wars. It's a dog eat dog world. This game is basically built on the concept of ruining other peoples fun. As long as ODA as a tribe feel like the end justifies the means, then leaving out Lemmy from the new tribe will go down as a good move in retrospect. If they as a tribe want to get rid of him they've got every right to do so, regardless of the reasoning behind it. So let them do their thing, Nice, and you do yours. At the end of the day only one tribe will remain, and it's likely to be the one nobling enemy villages.

Which brings me onto my next point; should you really complain? Surely, this is a win/win for Nice, isn't it? ODA loses a member, and they spend valuable troops, resources and noblemen conquering villages which would've been their own either way. They're basically winning your war for you. And so I can't quite get what the fuzz is all about.

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