ERROR is cheating :O


Ok, nok pisspreik, jeg ville da quote det Fuzzball sa, og vil spørre ett spørsmål... Hva er det som gjør at nesten alle i Topp 20 har dere som fiender?

Det har jeg lurt på lenge... Vi er jo så snille og prater så ryddig som bare det...:D

Nå har folk begynt å tro at jeg er en farm på V2, siden jeg dodger alle angrepene og bruker opp resurssene før angrep/ene kommer, jeg har en ting å si, jeg kommer til å gi dere en overaskelse når dere sender de neste:)


Never heard that error has a lot of enemies at all. I am into A top 10 tribe and never heard of any saying error is main enemies in our tribe or amongs our allied tribes. So paranoia is the word i quess.

--Fuzzball skrev:
Then may I ask a question:

If almost all of the tribes top 20 have us as enemys, why aren't all our villages nobled yet?
Most of you take barbarian villages as noble-targets, a waste if you ask me...

Les den en gang til?

"If almost all"
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Borso skrev:
Charmander... I chalenge you with my... Slowpoke:cool:

Get a moving slowpoke avatar, first then, Charmander will concider you a worthy opponent.


I'm not so sure... My impression is that One Hit KO plays a bit "outside the box", and then many people get mad at him(for that), and put Error up as enemy:p But that is just an impression.

BTW... Sry for not writing English, in the former mail, didn't think that you had to write english on a norwegian forum just a moment when i started writing...


I'm not so sure... My impression is that One Hit KO plays a bit "outside the box", and then many people get mad at him(for that), and put Error up as enemy:p But that is just an impression.

BTW... Sry for not writing English, in the former mail, didn't think that you had to write english on a norwegian forum just a moment when i started writing...

What do you mean "outside the box"? I'm curious.


Some mails at the same time here:p

But when it comes to my avatar, it is actually a moving avatar, his just a bit slow;)
But when Poke Me comes around, he get's crazy... Cuzz he loooves to poke^^


Some mails at the same time here:p

But when it comes to my avatar, it is actually a moving avatar, his just a bit slow;)
But when Poke Me comes around, he get's crazy... Cuzz he loooves to poke^^

I've been staring at that image for 5 minutes now...


Litt aktiv?
okej har lest det igjen, men det stemmer ikke iaf. Måten det blir snakket om er feil og error har ikke flere fiender enn andre. Så ingen kreditt for den.
Ellers står det så mye (jeg er konge og dere andre skal holde kjeft)på forumet her, så jeg forstår at ikke flere gidder eller orker å skrive noe som helst. Blir veldig barnslig og trist lesing.


What do you mean "outside the box"? I'm curious.

Hm... Attacking all the Topp 20 tribes when the world is as new as it is^^ I call that a bit "Outside of the box".
But if it was the expression you where wondering on, here's the explenation:
When you went at barneskolen, you might remember the girls get in to theese bitchy fights... Not fysicly, but physicly... They froze out one or 2 girls from the gang... When the teacher experienced this, they drawed a sircel, with some big balls around it... and a little ball outside of the ring. You can say that One Hit KO is the little ball... outside of the ring..
That wasn't the best explenation... I try again:
You have might seen the commercial for the blåbærs thing... In the start, they are a bit confused, and not gathered. But then! They find each other!
BUT, a blåbær don't want to go in the sircel, that's outside the box, outside of the circel, not flying on the wind or whatever you call it.
That wasn't a good explenation either...
Ok let's see:
Yoy have a box...
In the box, small rocks live.
One day, a rock desides to jump out of the box, and toss smaller rocks on the rocks inside of the box wich contains rocks. He tries to get a one hit knock out *Drums playing the funny joke melody*...

Now i'm just trying to be funny and very annoying, so i'm gonna say goodnight... Nice to talk to you:)


Hm... Attacking all the Topp 20 tribes when the world is as new as it is^^ I call that a bit "Outside of the box".
But if it was the expression you where wondering on, here's the explenation:
When you went at barneskolen, you might remember the girls get in to theese bitchy fights... Not fysicly, but physicly... They froze out one or 2 girls from the gang... When the teacher experienced this, they drawed a sircel, with some big balls around it... and a little ball outside of the ring. You can say that One Hit KO is the little ball... outside of the ring..
That wasn't the best explenation... I try again:
You have might seen the commercial for the blåbærs thing... In the start, they are a bit confused, and not gathered. But then! They find each other!
BUT, a blåbær don't want to go in the sircel, that's outside the box, outside of the circel, not flying on the wind or whatever you call it.
That wasn't a good explenation either...
Ok let's see:
Yoy have a box...
In the box, small rocks live.
One day, a rock desides to jump out of the box, and toss smaller rocks on the rocks inside of the box wich contains rocks. He tries to get a one hit knock out *Drums playing the funny joke melody*...

Now i'm just trying to be funny and very annoying, so i'm gonna say goodnight... Nice to talk to you:)

God! I LOL'ed so hard!


okej har lest det igjen, men det stemmer ikke iaf. Måten det blir snakket om er feil og error har ikke flere fiender enn andre. Så ingen kreditt for den.
Ellers står det så mye (jeg er konge og dere andre skal holde kjeft)på forumet her, så jeg forstår at ikke flere gidder eller orker å skrive noe som helst. Blir veldig barnslig og trist lesing.

ERROR har ikke flere fiender enn andre? nå, den var ny!
Sist jeg skjekket med mine spioner har fler enn 20 stammer oss som fiender, det er litt annerledes enn dere i The Wolfs antar jeg?
De som ikke orker å lese alt på forumet kan sleike seg bak ryggen for min del, men hvis du først skal kommentere, bør du ha lest alt.:eek:


Litt aktiv?
ps som jeg sa har jeg lest alt.
Mulig deres spioner ikke er så gode. De jeg har snakket med har helt andre enn error som fiender iaf. Eller muligens jeg ikke ser fiendebildet likt som dere i error;)
Egentlig ikke så rart.


Outside the box is usally used as doing/playin in a different way almost cheeting:p

Hm... Attacking all the Topp 20 tribes when the world is as new as it is^^

What? How do you grow fast if you are to coward and don't dare to attack the top 20 tribes. You can attack the top tribes when the world IS NEW, but later you must be more careful.
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We will be back for v3 :D

To bad to see error died, they should have taken the enemies out first instead of taking abandons. :')

Can't wait to come back, so i restarted on v2, gl rim i pwnz you !
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Outside the box is usally used as doing/playin in a different way almost cheeting:p

What? How do you grow fast if you are to coward and don't dare to attack the top 20 tribes. You can attack the top tribes when the world IS NEW, but later you must be more careful.

Haha, I was attacking the top 20 tribes just before I left, though I got the feeling they were not too happy. Then again, I was attacking people not even in my continent.

We will be back for v3 :D

To bad to see error died, they should have taken the enemies out first instead of taking abandons. :')

Can't wait to come back, so i restarted on v2, gl rim i pwnz you !

I want V3 to start now, Good times, good times... Lets bring them all back. <3

Hm... Attacking all the Topp 20 tribes when the world is as new as it is^^ I call that a bit "Outside of the box".
But if it was the expression you where wondering on, here's the explenation:
When you went at barneskolen, you might remember the girls get in to theese bitchy fights... Not fysicly, but physicly... They froze out one or 2 girls from the gang... When the teacher experienced this, they drawed a sircel, with some big balls around it... and a little ball outside of the ring. You can say that One Hit KO is the little ball... outside of the ring..
That wasn't the best explenation... I try again:
You have might seen the commercial for the blåbærs thing... In the start, they are a bit confused, and not gathered. But then! They find each other!
BUT, a blåbær don't want to go in the sircel, that's outside the box, outside of the circel, not flying on the wind or whatever you call it.
That wasn't a good explenation either...
Ok let's see:
Yoy have a box...
In the box, small rocks live.
One day, a rock desides to jump out of the box, and toss smaller rocks on the rocks inside of the box wich contains rocks. He tries to get a one hit knock out *Drums playing the funny joke melody*...

Now i'm just trying to be funny and very annoying, so i'm gonna say goodnight... Nice to talk to you:)

I get what you mean. Though I attacked loads and a lot did get mad and I had three tribes and I did not asked for support but countered and striked back... Hence I attacked out side of my continent which was a little risky but troops isn't everything, points give you a great advantage as the bigger the points/Ranking you are the more other players feel intimidated and dare not to attack. So I took full advantage of that and the Multi account thing, was just to keep the world amusing for the players... Which I can see it did, well as long as DosX still allows English players to still play when V3 comes out ERROR, well maybe not ERROR but a new tribe with me and some of the old ERROR players are gonna have some moe fun. :p
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