Funny mails?!?


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alliance wrote:

Fara13 on 20.12. at 20:03
My name is Rick.
The point is, i want an alliance with your tribe cause your are strong and i liked the name of the tribe.hehe
i saw you like war and i like too, so i hope we coud be ally and fight some noobs togheter soon
We could be ally oe not?
I'm waiting an answer.

69matty96 on 20.12. at 22:57
Where do you originate from?

Fara13 on 20.12. at 23:49

69matty96 on 20.12. at 23:54
Just wondering.

Fara13 on 21.12. at 15:19
so, waht is your answer?
could we fight togheter?

69matty96 on 21.12. at 23:33
Fight what?

Fara13 on 22.12. at 12:59
nothing for now cause we can't atack any one
Could we fight togheter? = Can we be ally?

Just it.

69matty96 on 22.12. at 13:02
Would that include nobling near by belly buttons?

Or is that not part of your agenda..?

Fara13 on 22.12. at 13:12
i didn't understand the meaning of:

Would that include nobling near by belly buttons?

69matty96 on 22.12. at 13:14
Don't you know who the belly buttons are =S

Fara13 on 22.12. at 13:19
na i don't
i'm brazilian and thare are things that i don't understand in this world yet.
what is the meaning of " nobling near by belly buttons"?

69matty96 on 22.12. at 13:30
Ahh ok.

Well the belly buttons are an elitist tribe that have gone through the worlds.

They occasionally go by different names.

Myself and my elite group of friends call ourselves the belly button hunters.

Our first job is to figure out which tribe are the new belly buttons.
We do this by planting spies in every tribe.

Once we have figured it out we get our allies and make massive world wars trying to take downt he belly buttons.

But yeah the belly buttons is the name of a tribe that originated in world 1.

Fara13 on 22.12. at 13:38
now i understand
so when you start this massive wars you can call me cause i will like to make part of it.
i'll put put your tribe like an ally and if you need you can call us.

69matty96 on 22.12. at 13:40
Hold on first i have a few questions of you.

1. What is your stand on lint?
2. Have you ever had ring worm?
3. Do you like 'Parkway Drive'?
4. What are your views on a bad leader?

Answer these satisfactorily and we shall be belly button warriors together, and we can get them pierced n stuff.

Fara13 on 22.12. at 14:00
1. i like lint.
2. i never had i ring made of worm?
3. to me parway is when you stop so you cant be driving if you are in parkway
4. i think we need help the lider get better but if it don't work we should get one more lider or change the first one.