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Innstillinger for V5:
Here is a link for the complete list of settings on V5.
A short summary:
Pleace notice that "medaljer" (awards), will not be implemented due to programming issues. The code will be re-written and added later.
Here is a link for the complete list of settings on V5.
A short summary:
- Speed: 1
- Troop movement: 1
- Army camp: yes
- Cost of army camp: 100 gold coins
- Points needed by the tribe for building army camp: 1.000.000
- Army per camp: 20
- Max camps per tribe: 15
- Church: Ja
- Troops: archer and paladin activated, with 5.0 settings.
- Noble recriutment: gold coins
- Moral: time- and point-based
- Beginner protection: 5 days.
- Bonus villages grow till 1500 points
- Max tribe members: 120
- All settings from v5.0 will be activated. (You can read then here (norwegian))
Pleace notice that "medaljer" (awards), will not be implemented due to programming issues. The code will be re-written and added later.