Spørsmål til dere spillere ang. fakenicks

Hei folkens.

Nylig postet Two Hit KO en liste over fakenickene til alle i 911 på v4. Jeg vil gjerne vite hvor seriøst dere i 911 tar dette og hvordan dere andre som går under fakenicks føler når fakenicket deres blir avslørt. Er hele verdenen ødelagt for dere? Er all moroa liksom borte?

Sier dere "Æsj, kjipt"?
Sier dere "meh"?
Sier dere
[02:58:54] Torquemada/Kongen sier : Jeg offisielt hater deg.
[02:59:00] Torquemada/Kongen sier : Og jeg håper du dør.

Jeg bare lurer på om alle tar fakenicks så sinnsykt seriøst som denne karen gjør, eller om det bare er noe dere har for gøy.

Nei dette er ikke på noen måte angrep direkte mot Torquemada som game-mod.


Neh... Jeg regner med at det blir kjent før eller senere, i hvertfall for min del. Ting spres, og etter hvert gidder jeg ikke alltid gjøre et halvhjertet forsøk på å holde det hemmelig engang.


det er jo en grunn til at du har det, og når noen ødelegger det bare for å gjøre dritt har du en GOD grunn til å bli forbanna...


Skjønner ikke hvorfor deree ikke bare kan la dem være ifred? :confused:

Har dere et problem/syndrom som gjør at dere absolutt må små plage andre? :eek:

Multi, det er jo unødvendig av deg å gjøre dette. ;)


Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations to manifest. Similar to regret, it differs in that the individual feeling regret focuses primarily on the personal choices that contributed to a poor outcome, while the individual feeling disappointment focuses on the outcome itself.

Sadness is an emotion characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, and helplessness. When sad, people often become quiet, less energetic, and withdrawn. Sadness is considered to be the opposite of happiness, and is similar to the emotions of sorrow, grief, misery, and melancholy. The philosopher Baruch Spinoza defined sadness as the “transfer of a person from a large perfection to a smaller one.” Sadness can be viewed as a temporary lowering of mood, whereas depression is characterized by a persistent and intense lowered mood, as well as disruption to one's ability to function in day to day matters.

Anger is an emotional state that may range from minor irritation to intense rage. The physical effects of anger include increased heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline.[1] Some view anger as part of the fight or flight brain response to the perceived threat of harm.[2] Anger becomes the predominant feeling behaviorally, cognitively and physiologically when a person makes the conscious choice to take action to immediately stop the threatening behavior of another outside force.[3] The English term originally comes from the term angr of Old Norse language.[4] Anger can lead to many things physically and mentally.

Revenge (synonym vengeance) is a harmful action against a person or group as a response to a (real or perceived) wrongdoing. Although many aspects of revenge resemble the concept of justice, revenge connotes a more injurious and punitive focus as opposed to a harmonious and restorative one. Whereas justice generally implies actions undertaken and supported by a legitimate judicial system, by a system of ethics, or on behalf of an ethical majority, revenge generally implies actions undertaken by an individual or narrowly defined group outside the boundaries of judicial or ethical conduct. The goal of revenge usually consists of forcing the perceived wrongdoer to suffer the same or greater pain than that which was originally inflicted.

Bare så trist at flere av oss også ser ut til å være genetisk anlagt for psychotic hatreds :eek:


Hm.. Likte ikke måten hvordan vi ble avslørt på..
Meeen.. om man bruker fakenicks så er det jo en risiko og ta iom at man kan bli avslørt :p