Hvordan sende fakes - fakeguide av YNI


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Fake guide!

1.) what is the point with faking, and hat is it?
2.) prepering to the faking
3.) Faking ]:)
4.)Tips'n Trics - Important to read (not translated, use google translate or contact me!

1.) Whats the point with faking and what is it?
Faking comes from the English language and means "falsk". Thats ecsactly what you're doing, sending fake attack on the enemy so thy think you are nuking!
1 fake is usualy one catapult or on ram. When you send the fakes it's easy to loose control for the enemy, and it's very freaking boring to have 5k inc's, and don't know when the nukes are landing. So by faking you easly fool the enemy and Nobel gets a lot easier!

2.) prepare to fakingen.

prepare = 4 steps!
  • save script
  • choose citys
  • save
  • check it

2.1.) save scripts(premiumaccount er et must!)

Instillinger(settings) --> Rediger hurtigmeny(change speed menu) --> Legg til ny lenke(add chain) --> Legg scriptet i Mål-URL og navnet i Navn! (add script in targeted url) --> OK

add this script:
javascript:coords='[color=#00ff00]Lim inn Kordinater HER![/color]';var doc=document;if(window.frames.length>0)doc=window.main.document;url=doc.URL;if(url.indexOf('screen=place')==-1)alert('This script needs to be run from the rally point');coords=coords.split(' ');index=Math.round(Math.random()*(coords.length-1));coords=coords[index];coords=coords.split('|');doc.forms[0].x.value=coords[0];doc.forms[0].y.value=coords[1];insertUnit(document.forms[0].catapult, 0);insertUnit(document.forms[0].catapult, 1);void(0)
this thin add's 1 catapult to a random cord that belongs to the person you're faking.

Next step it to make opera change the tab whit one click!

Åpne Opera (open Opera)--> CTRL + F12 --> Avansert(advanced) --> Snarveier(short cut) --> Rediger(edit) --> applications --> Nytt...(new) --> fill in 2 in the left window and Switch to next page to the rigth!

if you manage to change tab by just phusing two you hve done it correctly!

2.2.) choose the citys you are faking from

go to Oversikt(overview) --> Tropper(troops) --> Dine egne(ye'r own(irich)).
From here you are going to choose the citys you are faking from.
Hold in Ctrl and left klikk on kommando.

do this to every city you are faking from , but remember that it need's to be catas in the city's you are faking from!!!!

it should look like this:

Make more tab's that i have done there!(if u want)

Don't exit NOW!!! DON'T!!

2.3.) Save the citys
When you have chosen the citys you are faking from it's important to save the tabs as they are! whit's make u fake more efficant!

Whit al the tabs up you are going to save your session in Opera!

klick on Opera in upper left corner --> Faner og vinduer(tabs and windos) --> Økter(session) --> lagre denne økten! (save session) Velg navn selv!


2.4.) kontroll
now you can exit opera , and check that you have done it correctly!
Open Opere again and open the session you just saved.
When you got it opend, you can hold in "2" and check if opera chages tab or not! Yu also need to check if you see the script you saved in every tab. If not you have don something wrong!
Du kan bare utforske nå :)
Just explore now :)

3.) Fakingen :D

now you are going to fake!
Open you session and if everything works you are ready to start clicking every other left mouse botton and "2".But fist you have to use the script, click it in every tab, so that every tab have one cata and random coordinates. After that you can click evryother left and "2" on the attack button, and after that OK button :)
You fastly learn to get an rhythm on you clicking so that you can do it more efficant.
Klikk på scriptet = Klick the script!

Klikk på script, "2",Klikk på script, "2",Klikk på script, "2",Klikk på script, "2",Klikk på script, "2", Osv. gjør det til du har klikket på scriptet i hver av fanene!

Congratzzzz :DYou have now sent a round of fakes! :)
Just do it over and over again until you have sendt the nuber of fakes you want :) !

Tips kommentarer:
Varinor08 - Tips
Nowlaw - tips - Legg inn nukes blant faksene
Grimlock (Y) script til å lage script, og andre tips!

contact me in my signature :)
klick the skype sign!

Torsen | YouNameIt[/SIZE
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Lord dark

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Ser helst at du legger den engelske versjonen av guiden din i spoiler under guiden ;)

Og her er nok ikkje Transelator nok. Her på du inn å redigere for hand. Det er utrulegt mykje feil! ;)


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Tok det for hånd...

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hulda som ønsket det :DD:awesome: