ARGUS Empire - only English


Tidligere CM
For the moment,I am nr. 1

Just for the moment ;)

You should've meet the top of the norwegian players. World 9 is a world ment for beginners, according to what Snowy wrote here somewhere in the fora. If you are as skilled as you claim to be in the terms of TW and all that includes you should have a pretty good chance to win this world. However, the norwegian top of TW players would still kick your ass pretty hard.


LOL, the facts is that HerArgus lies very much.

He are not so good as he claim he is.

and TraNxZ, it are some good .no players here to;)
Sist redigert av en moderator:


LOL, the facts is that HerArgus lies very much.

He are not so good as he claim he is.

and TraNxZ, it are some good .no players here to;)

he isn't who claims to be...he's a noob:) a starter...pointwhore, but let's see the great player in game;)