Top 20 Players (intrested)


As i do not know that many norwegian players or other players on this world i will make this topic so i can read your views of the other players and hopefully learn a little more about then.

1 NumberOne T.R -

2 fjøsnissn E=mc² -

3 sida CCCP -

4 Two Hit KO T.R -

5 KO Predator T.R -

6 -Kirby- SSB -

7 qwe4rty T.R -

8 Euphrates HotIce -

9 master knight Troy -

10 Ahito T.R -

11 The Only One Unreal -

12 UrGe E=mc² -

13 happy boy Unreal -

14 -Aurora- Rawr! -

15 tranze APC -

16 silverfox -HELL- -

17 kamm3n swe -

18 Tha N0ob SUN -

19 Skids BOTS -

20 The maths IB -

Copy that will be quicker ^^

1 NumberOne T.R -
2 fjøsnissn E=mc² -
Not to sure, never heard of him, funny profile pic
3 sida CCCP -
Who? Can't see this guy lasting
4 Two Hit KO T.R -
Ummm No Comment :p
5 KO Predator T.R -
Will be rank 1 and first to 1k, 2k and 3k points hopefully i will be able to keep up. will also have the highest ODA.... Awesome player
6 -Kirby- SSB -
Different name from other worlds and in SSB, hmmm do i know you? :rolleyes:
7 qwe4rty T.R -
This guy knows his stuff, good player and will stay in the top 20
8 Euphrates HotIce -
Who is he?
9 master knight Troy -
10 Ahito T.R -
Pointwhore but does have troops as i sit him alot and build hit troops, good player but without me, pointwhore and noob :) <3 youuuu
11 The Only One Unreal -
Who, no troops maybe?
12 UrGe E=mc² -
Urgh Who?
13 happy boy Unreal -
Ummmm he may be happy but is he good? i don't know
14 -Aurora- Rawr! -
From .net, i think this guy will be a threat to play with in the future, will definatly stay in the top 20
15 tranze APC -
Don't know, Don't Care
16 silverfox -HELL- -
17 kamm3n swe -
pointwhore, but from sweden probably an average player, not to sure
18 Tha N0ob SUN -
Tha N0ob is a noob
19 Skids BOTS -
LOL who?
20 The maths IB -
He thinks he is good at maths but its not hard to see, 3 troops + small barb = Noob Haul
Sist redigert av en moderator:


Tidligere CM
Because you are skilled, it doesn`t mean that the other players aren`t...:rolleyes:

Time will show us whos nr. 1 :) And nr 1000.


Because you are skilled, it doesn`t mean that the other players aren`t...:rolleyes:

Time will show us whos nr. 1 :) And nr 1000.

I was going to be rank 1 before this world even opened. I say this 2 weeks in advance every time, and hey, does it look like I was lying? ;)

Number 1000? Hmm, probably the dude I am getting to restart. :-|


Update :)

1 Leiv Eiriksson - First to 300 point funkey town
2 fjøsnissn -
3 qwe4rty -
4 -Kirby- -
5 Krigaren -
6 master knight -
7 -Aurora- -
8 MADiN -
9 Ahito -
10 Reisverket -
11 Sorn -
12 Moonlight -
13 NumberOne -
14 Jezebel -
15 happy boy -
16 UrGe -
17 KO Predator -
18 mae 05 -
19 Yoshi. -


1 Leiv Eiriksson - Unpopulated area - During BP? Troops will be low. I'mma say point whore.
2 fjøsnissn - Point whore
3 qwe4rty - ...
4 -Kirby- - Point whore
5 Krigaren - Point whore
6 master knight - Point whore
7 -Aurora- - Hmm, you started out wrong.
8 MADiN - Point whore
9 Ahito - I'm always sitting you :p
10 Reisverket - ...
11 Sorn - Probably one of the few .no players to think out side the box. ;)
12 Moonlight - Point whore
13 NumberOne - I am always sitting you too!
14 Jezebel - Point whore
15 happy boy - Point whore
16 UrGe - Point whore
17 KO Predator - No wall. Only person to have Light Cavalry. Pr0 !
18 mae 05 - Point whore
19 Yoshi. - Point whore
20 TARDIS - ...

Until any of you actually research Light Cavalry or have a farm half of mine. You are non other than a point whore. Mmmk.



1 Leiv Eiriksson - In that area, pointwhore
2 fjøsnissn - Pointwhore
3 qwe4rty - Needs a real name, decent player
4 -Kirby- - pointwhore
5 Krigaren - pointwhore
6 master knight - pointwhore
7 -Aurora- - From .net could know what hes doing but definatly the wrong start
8 MADiN - In my tribe, must be pointwhore
9 Ahito - Do you even play your account? haha
10 Reisverket - Do not need to say anything, good guy but a bit on the gay side :p
11 Sorn - What OHKO said
12 Moonlight - Is what he sees as he pointwhores through the night
13 NumberOne - Has this guy quit i have had the account for like 3 days
14 Jezebel - PointNOOB
15 happy boy - PointNOOB
16 UrGe - I UrGe him to get troops
17 KO Predator - I Have LC so he is not the only one, !!!!! HE keeps leaving me out GRRRRR oh and he is a POINTWHORE!!!!!!
18 mae 05 - haha who?
19 Yoshi. - his name backwards is, im from .net so i can get in the top 5000 which means ZOMG NORWAY SERVER I AM TOP 20 WTF
20 TARDIS - This stands for Toops are rare, Dude i suck


Top 10 list;

1 MADiN T.R 325 This is a lot of points...really...cannot be healthy at all :)
2 Leiv Eiriksson Unreal 324 Another no-lifer
3 fjøsnissn E=mc² 323 Looks like NAV is involved here too
4 Krigaren 317 1 Will he live up to his name?
5 qwe4rty T.R 310 1 Is this some kind of a short name? I don't get it-
6 The Only One Unreal 307 I'm sure he is
7 -Kirby- SSB 303 1 I liked to read Kirk Kirby- Must be one of the better ones here :)
8 master knight B-g 300 pointwhore
9 Fakenick Sims 299 Ops...
10 skrotnissen Humpa 298 pointwhore


Top 10 list;

1 MADiN T.R 325 This is a lot of points...really...cannot be healthy at all :)
2 Leiv Eiriksson Unreal 324 Another no-lifer
3 fjøsnissn E=mc² 323 Looks like NAV is involved here too
4 Krigaren 317 1 Will he live up to his name?
5 qwe4rty T.R 310 1 Is this some kind of a short name? I don't get it-
6 The Only One Unreal 307 I'm sure he is
7 -Kirby- SSB 303 1 I liked to read Kirk Kirby- Must be one of the better ones here :)
8 master knight B-g 300 pointwhore
9 Fakenick Sims 299 Ops...
10 skrotnissen Humpa 298 pointwhore

don't think so had him in my tribe on V4 when he got nobled he quit on V4:rolleyes:


Top 10 list;

1 MADiN T.R 325 This is a lot of points...really...cannot be healthy at all :)
2 Leiv Eiriksson Unreal 324 Another no-lifer
3 fjøsnissn E=mc² 323 Looks like NAV is involved here too
4 Krigaren 317 1 Will he live up to his name?
5 qwe4rty T.R 310 1 Is this some kind of a short name? I don't get it-
6 The Only One Unreal 307 I'm sure he is
7 -Kirby- SSB 303 1 I liked to read Kirk Kirby- Must be one of the better ones here :)
8 master knight B-g 300 pointwhore
9 Fakenick Sims 299 Ops...
10 skrotnissen Humpa 298 pointwhore

Scum such as yourself don't deserve to post in the English section. Now go crawl back into your sewer rodent!



1 KO Predator K O - PRO PRO PRO <3<3<3<3<3

2 fjøsnissn E = mc ²

3 -Kirby - SSB

4 mae 05 Unreal

5 Krigaren Unreal

6 happy boy Unreal


8 AlFaraSulTane

9 The Only One Unreal

10 Urge E = mc ²

11 Pumba ~ TIC ~

12 The maths IB

13 qwe4rty K O

14 master knight B-g

15 Fjord1 SUN

16 Jarlebast pr0

17 Fake Nick Prey

18 Honor K O

19 K0ng3n RAWR! -



Nytt medlem
dont forget me in the future. I started up a bit late after arguing with myself playing or not.


1 KO Predator - banned
2 retrokai - big noob
3 Jezebel - noob
4 happy boy - no one likes a happy chap!
5 skrotnissen - noob
6 fjøsnissn - big noob
7 Jarlebast - noob
8 Bella Donna - noob
9 mae 05 - noob
10 narutouso - noob
11 madder - noob
12 CastorTroy - noob
13 Fakenick - big noob
14 MADiN - Decent player
15 Yoshi. - Decent player
16 Lundefuglen - noob
17 obes12 - noob
18 Tha N0ob - noob
19 -Kirby- - decent player
20 Bone - Decent player



1 KO Predator - banned
2 retrokai - big noob
3 Jezebel - noob
4 happy boy - no one likes a happy chap!
5 skrotnissen - noob
6 fjøsnissn - big noob
7 Jarlebast - noob
8 Bella Donna - noob
9 mae 05 - noob
10 narutouso - noob
11 madder - noob
12 CastorTroy - noob
13 Fakenick - big noob
14 MADiN - Decent player
15 Yoshi. - Decent player
16 Lundefuglen - noob
17 obes12 - noob
18 Tha N0ob - noob
19 -Kirby- - decent player
20 Bone - Decent player

What an excellent evaluation... -_- These kinds of evaluations are getting kind of old, and are not so funny anymore :eek:
1 KO Predator - banned
2 retrokai - big noob
3 Jezebel - noob
4 happy boy - no one likes a happy chap!
5 skrotnissen - noob
6 fjøsnissn - big noob
7 Jarlebast - noob
8 Bella Donna - noob
9 mae 05 - noob
10 narutouso - noob
11 madder - noob
12 CastorTroy - noob
13 Fakenick - big noob
14 MADiN - Decent player
15 Yoshi. - Decent player
16 Lundefuglen - noob
17 obes12 - noob
18 Tha N0ob - noob
19 -Kirby- - decent player
20 Bone - Decent player

You are quite wrong about many of them evaluations there. Some of them are fakenicks, and I wouldnt call them noob before you know who hides behind the nick.